Camera Techniques and Moves
— Understanding basic camera operations.
— Mastering essential camera moves to create dynamic shots.
Constructing an Effective Narrative
— Developing a compelling story arc.
— Structuring a narrative that fits within a one-minute format.
Lighting Setup
— Basics of three-point lighting.
— Techniques for achieving professional lighting on a budget.
Set Design
— Designing an appropriate setting for different types of videos.
— Creating visually appealing backgrounds that enhance the story.
Interview Preparation
—Prepping for interviews, including research and question planning.
—Techniques for making interview subjects comfortable
Asking the Right Interview Questions
—Crafting open-ended questions that elicit meaningful responses.
—Strategies for guiding the interview
Filming an Interview and Capturing Clean Audio
—Best practices for framing interview shots.
—Tips for capturing high-quality audio
Media Ingestion and File Organization
— Using a systematic file organization method for efficient editing workflow.
— Tips for labeling and sorting media
Adobe Premiere Pro Basics
— Introduction to Adobe Premiere Pro, a professional editing software.
— Navigating the Premiere Pro interface and tools
Editing Techniques
— Creating titles and graphics.
— Adjusting sound EQ and balancing audio levels.
— Integrating and balancing music tracks.